Medicare for All Training Essentials

New to Mass-Care or advocating for Medicare for All? Learn about the history of our organization, the M4A movement, our past attempts, and more below!

Background on our movement

Ben Day’s overview of Mass-Care history (10-minute clip)

Background on state attempts to pass single-payer

Relevant allied movements

Prop 61 in California: Prop 61, a ballot question in 2016 in California, proposed to limit the amount the state will pay for prescription drugs to no more than what is currently being paid by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Big Pharma spent $130 million (vs California nurses and allies $14 million) defeating it. (2-minute watch)

Massachusetts Nurses Safe Staffing Ballot Question (9-minute watch)

Massachusetts Fair Share Campaign (4-minute watch)

Medicare for All Savings - our enemies and our allies

Overview of the savings from Medicare for All: which stakeholders will lose, gain, and by how much
(8-minute watch)