2025-26 Legislators Who Support Massachusetts Single Payer

We asked this year’s candidates for the state legislature if they support passage of An Act Establishing Medicare for All in Massachusetts and will cosponsor if elected.  We also asked for optional short statements explaining why.  The form is here.

Here are the results.  This page is in progress as we continue to ask those who won their election to pledge to cosponsor.

Senator Eldrige

Senator James Eldrige
Middlesex & Worcester


jo comerford

Senator Jo Comerford
Hampshire, Franklin, Worcester

Not a day goes by where I don’t hear from a constituent or a provider about the problems with our fractured, inefficient, for-profit health care system. Health care must be a right. The time for universal health care is now.

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Representative Mike Connolly
26th Middlesex

Because healthcare should be a human right, and the concept of for-profit health insurance is frankly stupid and leads to unnecessary deaths and bankruptcies.

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Representative Patricia Duffy
5th Hamden

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Representative Carmine Gentile
13th Middlesex

Every one of our friends and neighbors needs to have excellent health care to live a full and productive life.  Massachusetts gave birth to free public education in the United States. We also enjoy free public safety (while residents in areas of some western states must pay for fire protection or watch their homes and/or businesses burn if an incident occurs). Single Payer Health Care would provide excellent care for all at a savings or similar cost to services provided now to less than all of us. It’s time to move forward, eliminate waste and bureaucracy, and allow our doctors to spend all their time treating us, not filling out insurance forms.

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Representative Natalie Higgins
4th Worcester

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Representative Tara Hong
18th Middlesex

We currently spend a higher percentage of our GDP than any other wealthy industrialized nation on healthcare, yet we have people dying because they cannot afford the medical care that they need.

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Representative Jack Patrick Lewis
7th Middlesex

I have been a supporter of this legislation since I first ran for office. Eight years of assisting constituents with health insurance issues has only confirmed for me the great need for this legislation.

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Representative David Linsky
5th Middlesex

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Representative Lindsay Sabadosa
1st Hampshire

Because health care should be a right, not a privilege, and rights must be affordable and accessible.

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Representative Sean Reid
11th Essex - West Lynn & Nahant

Everyone deserves healthcare services regardless of their situation. Medicare for All will eliminate financial barriers, reduce administrative costs, and improve public health. We talk a lot about achieving equity in health care, and Medicare for all is a critical step in reaching this goal.


Senator Paul Feeney
Norfolk & Bristol

Healthcare is a human right. Guaranteeing high-quality, affordable health care to everyone is a moral obligation. Access to needed healthcare should not be dependent on a person's wealth or employment. Medicare for All saves money, is more efficient, controls cost, and is simply the right thing to do in the Commonwealth and throughout the United States.

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Representative Tommy Vitolo
15th Norfolk

Short of broad federal action, this is the best we can do for Massachusetts residents!

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Representative Danillo Sena
37th Middlesex

I believe access to healthcare is vital, and Medicare for All ensures this.

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Representative Erika Uyterhoeven
27th Middlesex

Fixing the broken healthcare system will require the citizens of Massachusetts to stand up and say that our health and welfare are more important than the profits of the insurance and pharmaceutical companies. The majority of Americans support Medicare for All. It is time that our politicians listen! Transparency and accessibility are essential to making a seismic policy shift such as Medicare for All. The insurance and pharmaceutical industry have outsized sway at the Massachusetts State House and are able to water down key legislation behind closed doors. We need a strong people-powered movement for Medicare for All in Massachusetts!

Steve Owens

Representative Steve Owens
29th Middlesex

I have seen too many people wrestle with insurance companies for much needed health care, time and money better spend on treating the actual ailments that they are facing. I've seen insurance companies deny basic treatments in the short term that could lead to reduced costs and better health outcomes in the long term. Health insurer's incentives are not aligned with their customers nor with the greater public health system. We know that health insurance markets don't work for those with chronic conditions because we have a seperate single-payer system for those over the age of 65 already.


Representative Marjorie Decker
25th Middlesex

This policy will help so many low-income Massachusetts residents, including families, older people, and working people, access vital healthcare services. I have been a supporter of universal health care prior to serving in the Legislature and on record throughout my years as a State Representative. I remain committed to continue fighting to make this bill a reality. While this has been essential to my work as a legislator, as Chair of Public Health, I have been a vocal leader in tying together how universal healthcare is the most effective tool in addressing social determinants of health.

Leigh Davis

Representative Leigh Davis
3rd Berkshire

I believe healthcare is human right and every resident has a right to quality affordable health care. Medicare for all would control costs in the long-term. I lived and taught in Ireland for 12 years and benefitted from their universal healthcare system.

Representative Michelle L. Badger
1st Plymouth

I support Massachusetts Medicare for All because it will enhance affordability and access to healthcare for everyone. By ensuring comprehensive coverage, we can create a healthier society where individuals are not burdened by medical expenses and can focus on their well-being and preventative care for their whole person. This initiative will empower more people to fully engage in their communities and contribute to society without the worry of medical debt. The number two reason as to why people file for bankruptcy after job loss is medical debt, having your medical needs met should be a basic human right. My experience as a John Joseph Moakley Fellow in the U.S. Senate’s Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee for Senator Kennedy, where I participated in Affordable Care Act hearings, deepened my understanding of healthcare policy and took an interest and made it into a passion. I am committed to advocating for a system that prioritizes the health and well-being of all residents.


Senator Sal DiDomenico
Middlesex & Suffolk 

Health care must be treated as a right, not a privilege for those who can afford it. As State Senator, I will continue to work tirelessly until every resident in our state can get the treatment and care they need.

Amy Sangilio

Representative Amy Mah Sangiolo
11th Middlesex

I support efforts to establish a single-payer health care system for all residents of the Commonwealth. Everyone, regardless of ethnicity, race, religion, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, previous health conditions, geographic location, or any change to financial and employment status, deserves to have comprehensive and continuous coverage. Many Massachusetts residents avoid much needed medical care because of high costs: co-pays, deductibles, and out-of-pocket expenses. Additionally, many are excluded from coverage because, as they transition from a new job or insurance carrier, their previous health conditions are not covered. Others are burdened by huge medical debt; as a result, they are unable to make their mortgage or rent payments and become housing insecure. High healthcare costs also place a huge burden on cities and towns.




Representative Margaret Scarsdale
1st Middlesex 



Senator Patricia Jehlen
2nd Middlesex


James Arena-DeRosa

Representative James Arena-DeRosa
8th Middlesex 

From all I have learned, single payer/Medicare fir All it is the best and ultimately most efficient way for us to ensure that all residents have affordable and appropriate health care. I have always supported single payer.