An Act Establishing Medicare for All in Massachusetts

2025 House bill and 2025 Senate bill will guarantee equitable health care access for every resident of the Commonwealth through the Massachusetts Health Care Trust, a single payer for all medically necessary care. All residents will be guaranteed access, without regard to financial or employment status, ethnicity, race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, previous health problems, or geographic location. The Act will provide continuous access to health care services, without the current need for repeated re-enrollments or changes when employers choose new plans and residents change jobs. Coverage shall be comprehensive and publicly financed, free of out-of-pocket cost at point-of-care, with no co-insurance, co-payments, deductibles, or any other form of patient cost sharing. 

You can read our Bill Summary by Section here

Our slide show summary of the bill is here.

2025 Senate Bill

2025 House Bill

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